What's your diagnosis? • Mar. 11, 2019

Straining GSP


14-year-old MN German Shorthair Pointer


The patient presented for straining to defecate and thin stools. He was also noted to be urinating more frequently at night.


A grade III/VI cardiac murmur was noted. The prostate was palpably enlarged.


ALP, ALT, BUN, creat, BG, and TP were all found to be within normal limits.


An abdominal ultrasound was performed. Two pathologic lesions were identified.

  1. The prostate was enlarged, measuring 4.2cm x 4.9cm x 4.8cm.  Stippled mineralization throughout the prostate raised concern for prostatic carcinoma.
  2.  A hyperechoic mass in the mid-body of the left adrenal gland measured up to 1.1 cm in diameter.  The mass was invading the left phrenicoabdominal vein, with a moderately vascular and potentially obstructive thrombus extending into the caudal vena cava.

Three-view thoracic radiographs and an abdominal CT were recommended to assess for metastasis.  Consultation with a surgeon and/or oncologist was recommended to evaluate treatment options.